Is it so difficult to NOT think of women as incapable ?? Men are incapable of so many things women are capable of. How come that is not commented on. Can such changes come within a single generation ? I guess not. It needs a lot of changes in the social and economic spheres of life. With the changes happening in Asia I hope social engineers can bring about some other changes in addition to the economic ones.
Shobhna Srivastava said...
it is like everything else... when the comparisons will stop and each individual is respected as they are, irrespective of being a man, woman, black, oriental, american, asian, hindu, muslims and what ever classifications(social or genetic) we can think of, we will have equality. it is a long way to go...
"As long as there are entrenched social and political distinctions between sexes, races or classes, there will be forms of science whose main function is to rationalize and legitimize these distinctions."
- Elizabeth Fee