" The 2005 Web@Work survey suggests that surfing the web may be more addictive than coffee. Fifty-two per cent of employees surveyed who use the internet at work for personal reasons stated that they would rather give up their morning java than Internet access at work, while only 44 per cent would give up their internet access for coffee. Furthermore, Internet usage at work is increasing -- 93 per cent of all respondents said they spend at least some time accessing the Internet at work. This is up from 86 per cent in 2004, as reported in the 2004 Web@Work survey. " [ article ]
Its suprising that last year 14% of the employees do not spend anytime on the internet. I hope the sample space had people who all have access to the net. Do you have an idea how many hours you spend browsing personal pages at work ? Would you agree with the 3.5 hrs/week (45 mins a day) avg resulting from the survey of the emplyees or 6 hrs/week estimated by IT employers.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Web @ work
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